
About Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center

+Mission and vision

To offer a place of healing and evangelization where God’s suffering people and their families, young and old, can find spiritual consolation and guidance, comfort and peace. A place that will continue to nurture families even after the journey of their loved one is complete.

Adopted August 14, 2015

Continuing Journey: A Place to Make Memories

In Louisiana, the incidence of cancer and other debilitating, sometimes terminal illness, is among the highest in the United States. While our community aggressively battles this alarming reality, it must also reach out to the sick and dying to address their needs–including the provision of spiritual guidance and comfort for them and their families.

God’s people need to have a place that will provide comfort and peace–a place that will continue to nurture families even after the journey of their loved one is complete.

Sister Dulce Maria has prayed with and comforted the sick, terminally ill and their families. She has offered spiritual guidance to those who seek the Lord. She has been led to see the importance of having a place where God’s suffering people and their families could find spiritual consolation and guidance.

``Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there', and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.`` (Matthew 17:20-21)

+Our Purpose

To provide a haven where the sick and terminally ill can visit and be accompanied on their journey towards God. It will minister to the suffering and those who support them on their journey.

To provide opportunities for those who seek a deeper understanding of their faith through prayer and counsel.

To provide housing for the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament who will be available to support and provide spiritual guidance for all those who seek comfort.

``Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.`` (James 5:14-15)


The Sick & Dying

Many people suffer with terminal and debilitating illnesses. This ministry offers those people an opportunity to seek the Lord’s help during this struggle. Prayers are offered to eliminate the diseases and pain associated with these illnesses and Sister Dulce intercedes to Our Lord asking for His healing and mercy.

Spiritual Counsel

Many people suffer from not having a personal relationship with God. This ministry, through Sister Dulce, serves as a catalyst for those wanting and seeking to further their spiritual life on an individual basis. Sister will also consult and guide visitors needing help discerning God’s will for them in their lives.


Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center offers several opportunities for adults to further their spiritual lives. This includes Spirituality Classes for both men and women. Sister lectures and leads conversations on different topics that affect our everyday living (i.e. our roles as Christian adults); the importance of daily prayer; living as Disciples of Christ; and evangelizing just to name a few.

Spiritual Growth

Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center offers several opportunities for growing in our spiritual life.  There are Women’s and Men’s Spirituality groups that meet every month, Rosary groups that meet every Tuesday, retreats, Bible studies as well as our annual events such as St. Joseph Altar, LaPosada, guest speaker series, Passion Walk, Dining by Design.  See our event calendar for additional information on all events.

All Prayer Partners and people associated with the Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center are practicing Catholics who yearn to learn more about their faith. They understand the importance of spiritual growth and pledge to continue their faith education so that they can truly share their love of God and His love for others confidently and comfortably. This program is available only to those currently affiliated with the Ministry Center.

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