WHAT: The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy by Thomas Smith and Sarah Christmyer, a ten week bible study.
WHEN: Men’s group will begin on Thursday, September 27, 2018 and end on December 6, 2018 (with a week off for Thanksgiving) at 6:30 PM and is lead by Josie Duke. We are so blessed to have Josie this semester.
WHERE: The Dolphin Room at Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center, 17560 George O’Neal Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70817, 225-752-8480.
WHY: Sister Dulce is calling us to not only grow deeper in our relationship with Papa, grow in our faith, but also to learn to be God’s messengers of mercy to all He puts in our lives and paths. This study will help us discover the areas in our lives that prevent us from drawing closer to Papa. It matters not if this is your first study or your 25th study! WE are all a work in progress and it’s all our first time to do this quick study! Our belief is that any and all questions are great as they help us all learn and grow!!
The class will be 1 ½ hours long. We start with prayer then review our answers from the previous week’s lesson for 45 minutes. We will then gather to watch the 30 minute video presentation by Thomas Smith. The weekly questions asked, if done daily, will not take you more than 20 minutes to complete. This is a wonderful aid in developing the habit of reading your bible daily.
The cost of the study will be $30.00. You can pay and receive your book on the first day of class as it is the introduction with a short video presentation. Checks can be made out to The Sister Dulce Foundation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call Shalane Crick at 225-324-0169. You can also text or email her at chefcrick1@bellsouth.net.