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17560 George Oneal Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70817

A Perfect Way to Start the Day: Men’s Spirituality Talks

I’ve been attending Sister Dulce’s Men’s prayer group since May 2009. I feel very fortunate to be a member of this group in that it is indeed such an incredible blessing to spend time first thing in the morning in the presence of such an inspirational and moving person as Sister Dulce, and to be able to truly observe and feel the undeniable connection she has with the Good Lord. It is beyond anything I have ever experienced in my 40+ years as a Catholic. What I believe makes her, and therefore that gathering, so moving and touching is the way in which she presents her message that day: with an uplifting enjoyment, a contagious laughter, a deeply penetrating and profound message each time. All in very digestible, every-day, examples of how we can take what we feel are our daily challenges and the crosses we bear, and giving us a warm and illuminating message of how we can meet those challenges with the strength and grace of Papa. Each time I sit in amazement at how truly incredible it is that she delivers the exact message I needed that day on something that there was NO WAY she would have known that may have been a concern of mine. But there indeed is ONE who “did” know what I needed, and I firmly believe every man in that room may have different needs that morning, but Papa “personalizes” what touches each one of us that day through that beautiful instrument called Sister Dulce. It truly has been a life-changing and spiritually enriching experience for me. This is not just some bible study….for me this is my opportunity to listen to God himself speak through Sister.

Hugo Marrero

The Men’s Spirituality Class meets the 1st Wednesday of each month and begins at 7:00 a.m. sharp. If you are interested in attending, please arrive by 6:40 a.m., sign-up, enjoy a cup of coffee and prepare to learn how you can better live your life as a Christian man.
